Hi my name is Bernadette McKnight, Certified Health Coach and owner of
Raintree Nutrition Works!
I initially joined Dr. Sears Wellness Institute where I received my certification for personal reasons: I went through some major changes with my chronic illness and I was having a difficult time recovering from those issues. After a year, I was out of ideas to turn it around. From the time I started the program, I was educationally, physically and mentally challenged! I had previously studied some of the same applications outlined in Dr. Sears’ programs but I never fully understood the functions of nutrition, and exercise and how my attitude played a vital part in changing my lifestyle for the better.
While studying the Prime-Time Health program I applied everything I learned to my lifestyle. The first thing that happened was I got excited about doing something instead of worrying about the next turn my illness was going to take. Then I noticed a drop in my weight. I thought I caught a bug and had stopped eating but I was eating the same foods just less of it. Within the month my labs started looking like those of a healthy person.
While following Dr. Sears’s instructions on grazing, I was consuming the proper nutrients and I had shrunk my stomach so it took less food to satisfy me. My acid reflux subsided and I was taking fewer pills for the pain. The most significant change was that I had this overwhelming urge to go outside and walk without my walker or cane just to test the strength I felt I was gaining! I was able to walk to the corner and back without fear of falling. My balance had corrected itself through eating right, stretching and thinking positive.
I grew up in a farming community in Upstate New York. Back then, our family of 11 would get a bushel of corn a week starting the end of July and we would eat fresh corn for breakfast, lunch, and dinner throughout the summer. Now, due to GMO, I can’t even digest fresh corn unless I get it from a local North Carolina farmer who has sworn off GMO seedlings. Why? Because genetically modified organisms cannot be digested by my body. Some of you may have experienced sudden intolerances to other natural foods that you used to eat as well. The science of this change in your tolerance of foods you previously consumed is explained in the L.E.A.N. Start workshop.
So now I want to tell folks about it. Get the word out the best way I know how to, from the very young to prime timers, those with no immediate health issues and chronically ill. There is something that you can do to improve the way you are living, eating, exercising and thinking to halt or prevent future health issues in a better more permanent way. It does not require weekly weighing, cans of diet shakes or pre-packaged, high sodium, low-calorie foods.
You will eat real food. These workshops will tell you how to do it while saving money on your groceries and getting off the couch to play. I’m still doing it and enjoying the changes in my life every day. Sign up for a class and see for yourself.